Grayson Riverbend Preserve


The Grayson project is a study of California Central Valley floodplain restoration. Formerly a cornfield, the Grayson project, led by Jacob Nesslage (UC Merced) and Jen Quick-Cleveland (UCSC) involves sampling the fallow cornfield, the preserved riparian habitat, and the ecotones in between to track their change in communities. This initial project just samples once but because of the large flood events in early 2023, we plan to sample again this July!

Below is an aerial image of the sampling design. This project is also exciting because for all these sites, we also have hyperspectral remote sensing data, so we can look at how eDNA varies with biodiversity (alpha, beta, and gamma) derived from remote sensing data.

Project Details

Researchers Jen
Reference barcode database Crux V2
DRYAD link
Decontamination method

Decontam package with 0.1 prevalence.

Primers 18S, 16S, Vert12S, Fungal_ITS5_5.8S, CO1_Leray, PITS